
We are Julia and Céline – two Bremen based changemakers

This is Julia!

One of the driven minds behind the scenes of Simply Impact. Besides that, she is also its Co-Founder. Julia has an ever-growing knowledge when it comes to sustainability topics since she successfully graduated from the masters program MSc Sustainable Entrepreneurship. 

Moreover, she is fiercely driven to create her own company and coaching business. Simply Impact unites these two dreams of building something that lasts and being the change she wants to see in the world.

M.Sc. Sustainable Entrepreneurship

International Board Certified NLP Coach

B.A. Culture & Law

This is Céline!

One of the creative minds behind Simply Impact and its Co-founder. Céline was once described as a person who ingested a ray of sunshine. She loves to connect with other people and has a strong “maker” power within. 

She recognized what is lacking in today’s business culture and is now on a mission to create the ideal workplace herself. With Simply Impact she is fulfilling her own dream to build a “Good Company” that empowers people to step into their potential – step by step creating the change she wants to see in the world. 

In her academic business studies from bachelor to master she saw that there is a crucial component missing in the way business is done: the human side of business. Céline felt the strong impulse to rebel against this status quo and is now building a hub of like-minded people.

Sustainable Creativity Consultant

M.A. International Business & Management

B.A. Latin-American Business Administration

Our Philosophy


We embed sustainability as a holistic process.

  • Focusing on long-term impact over short-term wins
  • Combining social, ecological, economic & individual sustainability
  • Striving for impact by empowering individuals

We embrace our authenticity & act as a whole human being.

  • Thinking holistically
  • Welcoming emotions & understanding emotions as positive
  • Inviting vulnerability

We celebrate the process of growing and learning.

  • Learning from mistakes
  • Nurturing personal strengths 
  • Accepting challenging & new situations

Your Impact is our Passion 

We believe that change is possible because we know that there is more within you than you SHOW at the moment. There is even more within you than you KNOW in the moment! Join us to build the road towards more sustainability in the work place! Become a SIMPLY-IMPACTER

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